
Showing posts from December, 2021

Non Western Blog Exhibit

I chose artwork from Japan from the  Tokugawa period.  I feel that these works of art are very beautiful. Japanese art is, in my opinion, the prettiest and most minimalistic art style. Japanese art influenced many peaceful European artists such as Monet and Van Gogh; what I like about Japanese art is it is usually not serious and demoralizing like most artwork from this time period. The Tokugawa period was from 1603-1867 and their art was directed toward decorating paintings that represent a blossoming native culture. A style of art during this time is called Ukiyo-e which just means floating world, and all of the work I chose was from this time period and with that style. I love how these all have the  same theme but are all very different.  The Great Wave One of Japan's most famous artists is Hokusai, he has changed many things about himself throughout his lifetime. Hokusai changed his name multiple times and his art style; he stated on multiple occasions that he doesn't bel